Welcome to TC Manager


  1. Use Login button to login as admin to manage TC
  2. Select 'Create' option from 'Academic Session' menu to create the academic year. Enter the academic year(For example '2013-14') and save it.
  3. You can view the complete list of the academic year in 'List(Academic Session -> List)' menu option. You can delete the particular academic session using 'Delete' button
  4. Use 'Upload' menu to upload the TC. Select 'Academic Session' from the drop down and enter the 'CBSE Roll Number/Admission Number' and upload the scanned document in the jpg format in the 'UPLOAD DOCUMENT' section.
  5. You can view the uploaded TC under 'View TC' menu. Select the appropriate 'Academic Session' from the drop down and the list of TC will be displayed below. You can download the TC by clicking on 'Click Here' link and you can delete the TC using 'Delete' button.