School PTA
Don Bosco
Aims and Objectives
- To work for the welfare of the students and the institution and to offer constructive suggestions for the smooth and successful functioning of the school.
- To promote better participation of the parents in the various programs of the school and to establish better liaison with teachers.
- To suggest facilities in the school premises for the benefit of the students as and when required.
- To distribute scholarships, prizes, medals etc. to benefit students showing high proficiency in their studies and extracurricular activities.
- To assist and collaborate in the decision making of school operational areas.
- To assist and collaborate in decision making for last level disciplinary action (ie: Termination of a staff/student, legal proceeding against a staff/student).
Executive Committee
The administration of the PTA shall vest with the office bearers and the executive committee members. The executive committee shall consist of 13 members of whom 5 will be elected at the general body meeting from the parents. The principal shall be the patron and the Principal from among the teaching staff will nominate others.
Structure of the Executive Committee
- President - 1
- Vice-President – 1
- Secretary – 1
- Joint-Secretary – 2
- Treasurer – 1
- Executive Members – 7
From among the executive members, the following officer bearers shall be elected.
- President (Parent)
- Joint-Secretary (One from the parents’ side)
- Members (Two from the parents’ side)
- Treasurer (One from the parents’ side)
Special Privileges
- Members shall be felicitated on every Annual Day of School.
- Members shall felicitate the annual awards to children.
- Members shall have the right to provide a special recommendation for the admission of a child with 20% concession/rebate on the admission charges applicable for the said child. Such recommendation, if any, shall be in writing and addressed to the Principal of School.
- Children of PTA members will have a special concession of 50% on annual fee of their ward every year till the time he continues to be a PTA member.
Write to us if you would like to be a member on [email protected]